Totting up Ban – An Overview

There are a variety of consequences that can come out of being caught speeding, ranging from being given a verbal warning; through to being granted a fine of up to and getting 6 penalty points or potentially even a driving disqualification. The situation and rate you’re accused of travelling have a bearing on what sort of fine you could receive. One of the first things you should do is contact an expert motoring law firm who have experienced speeding attorneys that can advise you on the best actions to take. Among the first things to consider if you were caught speeding, is exactly what the authorities have done in the time of the incident. If you’ve been given a verbal warning and nothing more, then this is an opportunity to reflect on your driving and take more care in future. Visit the below mentioned website, if you are seeking for additional information regarding s172.
If your car is caught speeding, then the registered keeper will be issued with a notice of intended prosecution which needs to be responded to within days. The Notice of Intended Prosecution has to be responded to within days, and the enrolled Keeper needs to inform the authorities who had been driving the vehicle at the time of the motoring offence not doing so is a separate offence that could result in additional fines and penalty points. After this is returned the individual driving will receive a Conditional Offer of Fixed Penalty Notice. At this stage you will potentially be offered the option to have a speed awareness course based upon the gravity of your caught speeding usually the tolerance is up to in a zone, which is a rehabilitative measure designed to educate offenders and prevent a re offence studies reveal that this has a better effect than receiving penalty points and a fine. If this option is not presented then you’ll have to pay the fixed penalty and take the fine or contest the decision.
You have the option to appeal through the form that comes with your Fixed Penalty Notice, however some police forces don’t have an appeals process and you will need to ask a court hearing. Should you believe the punishment you have been given for the speeding offence you’re accused of is unfair, there are a number of defences and loopholes. These include you weren’t speeding and you believe there is insufficient evidence for this, if the speed limit in the area was not properly highlighted; the vehicle identified isn’t yours; if you believe the equipment that caught you was not accurately working; or if you were not the driver at the time and can prove this. In these instances it is recommended seeking the assistance and guidance of a specialist Motoring Defence Lawyer who has a strong knowledge of speeding offences; as they will understand the best methods and defences to provide you with the best chance of avoiding punishment. If you feel there is insufficient evidence for your situation then expert speeding solicitors will have the best knowledge of how to obtain the evidence the police have for your case.